Thursday 8 May 2008

Hanging around in dark tunnels CAN acutally be good

I managed to get to see the CANS festival this morning, and decided to ignore all the hype and negative press that has surrounded it and went with an open mind, eyes and my cam and I have to say that I loved it.

Yes, you could argue that it has all been done before and it wasn't original, or even childish as I've read but to me it was an escape. walk from the hustle and bustle from the commuters and tourists on York Road to near silence and you are greeted with some of the most beautiful colours and textures I have seen together in one place.

It took me over an hour to walk from the York Road end out to the Marsh, as there is so much to see and so much detail. It was nice as strangers stood and talked for ages about their experience and it was nice to share that with them.

I urge you to go and have a look if you can before Eurostar paint over it or something equally as stupid.

I took some photographs on my little digi camera and you can view them here.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Laaaaaid back ......

Sticking the iPod in my ears and playing my "Summertime" playlist, I set off.

First tune to play - Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day.  
And do ya know what? It really was! 

Went and saw my friend and spent the day with her, then made it up to South Bank to kick back for a while and watched the skateboarders and the BMX guys working up a sweat with  some pretty cool tricks and SBs on their feet although I didn't manage to catch them on film. Pissed.

I'm going to enjoy this week of Summer as at this point we're never certain in the UK when this will happen again, I mean our Summer was in April last year. All two weeks of it.

So while you can, enjoy the sun and make the most of the weather my beautiful people.

Get the track here (ignore the nekkidness) x

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Sun bun up my eye oh why oh why would I wanna be anywhere else?

I've been proper lax with my posting for months now, and I apologise, uni was a little mad.

Have always had time to find myself on Facebook, catching up with friends I haven't seen in time and reading other blogs though, so clearly not as busy as I thought! :s

Pleased to say that I have been writing loads recently and with the two trips I've managed to do already in the past five months, have also taken lots of photos which I will have to start documenting and writing about on here, providing the weather we are having at the moment doesn't go to my head and I find myself sitting in the park and writing or taking photos randomly like I did yesterday.

Gonna go and check out the exhibition in Waterloo that Banksy has done and will hopefully be good.

Anyway, mi garn listening to Natty and I'm proper skinnin teet. stay blessed x



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