Saturday 8 November 2008

No one in the White House has swagga like us

Originally posted on my Facebook notes 5th November

I'm standing here waiting for the bus to work today as I don't want to be squashed up next to miserable people. I don't want the coughing and spluttering. Not because I'm tired and may just fall asleep on a warm tube carriage and miss my stop. Nor do I want the people pushing up on me. 

Do you know why? Not 'cos my swagga is large. Although that statement is monumentally factual, it's because I'm proud. I watched history in the making and I'm proud. A black man made it into the "white" house and the first time in, well most of my life the weight of being different and having to work a little bit harder has eased a little. 

Now don't get me wrong, I will continue to work to achieve what I want to and to encourage my son to do the same, but I'm going to do it now with a heart that's full and a spring in my step. 

This isn't a day just for black people though, it's a day for anyone who wants to believe in a better life for everyone and will have a new sense of purpose. Just don't use this as an excuse to expect things to come to you as they never will. 

I just wish people like Dr King could see this. Even Tupac as he didn't see it ever happening. But I'm glad my 93 year old Gran has. And my mum who was chased down the streets of London in the sixties. 

As I sit here on the 381 to Waterloo, I'm smiling. I hope you all are too! 

See u in Jan when we watch Obama move in with his Kool-Aid, Aunt Jemima panckake mix and Palmers Cocoa Butter. x

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