Tuesday 11 September 2007

If music be the food of love...

... I want to be in love forever!

It’s amazing how music can have such an impact on a person’s life. I mean, I’ve always loved music of all types from as long as I can remember and my CD collection reflects this.

I remember being looked on as being really weird at secondary school and college as Green Day, Skunk Anansie, Prodigy, Republica, No Doubt were amongst my Usher, Donnell Jones, Montell Jordan, Jodeci etc. I have never conformed I guess to the stereotype of a young black female from South London and for all the grief I got I’m quite proud.

The reason I started writing this blog was really because the past few weeks have not been the happiest for me for many reasons, and while at work yesterday listening to music as I stared at my computer screen for 6 hours Kanye West’s “We Major” came on and for those three minutes I felt so relaxed for the first time in ages. So I played it on repeat for most of the day.

It is a tad obsessive when I realise how long it was on, but that’s the nature of music. From hunting down export CDs for certain mixes in my teens or buying around £100 a week in albums, to present day where I’m torrenting like my life depends on it finding Talib’s album as I’ve been waiting ages for it, my life is centered around music. While you guys are out there having lives.

Classical music or Leela James to relax me, to jungle/drum and bass for hyping me up before a night out with my friends, music shapes my life. And for all it’s faults and it’s 50 Cents of this world, I wouldn’t change it one bit!

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