Thursday, 10 September 2009

Review: Hot97 App FINALLY hits the Blackberry! (and is still available on the iPhone)

I've been a Blackberry user for a number of years now, and have been complaining for most of that time that my American friends were able to stream live music and we here in the UK weren't.

The wait, my compadres is OVER.

The giants that are HOT 97 have created a Blackberry app - branching out from the app that is available on the iPhone. I'm thinking because all the artists who have songs on their station, as well as their DJs ALL have either the Berry and/or the iPhone.

According to Hot 97, with the Berry you can:

Access HOT 97 live
Access and view the last 9 songs that played on HOT97 so you can check the facts about the tracks you hear -View album art (if available)
Use the "Get It" feature to help purchase a song you like
See song lyrics
Read song and artist info

and much more in the iPhone. I gotta say I listen regularly on my iPhone and have had NO problems at all, there are reports that some Berry users (on the Curve) had streaming problems, so be wary of those.

Because I've had to wait so long, I've given them 4 out of 5 wings. i'm a tough bitch, deal with it! Go grab it! Click the pic below to take you to the page

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