Thursday, 22 October 2009

Mummy, please make the bad man go away ....

It's almost Halloween.

I don't celebrate, but that celebration is all about the dark forces and all things bad, right? Well it's ironic that days before Halloween comes around again and we have to chase bad breed pickney from around your door (shout out to my East London crew) I'm talking about a really dark and negative forces.

Joking aside, I'm talking about the furore surrounding the BNP leader Nick Griffin appearing on Question Time.

The BBC in my eyes have been baiting all this press and in a boost to bump up their television ratings took a break away from their usual stance of announcing the guests for the show on the day to letting the public know two weeks before the show.

They have caused this in order to then go ahead and release stupid stories to the press to again boost ratings. Sickening. This is usually the stance of Channel 4, our television station that loves to surround themselves with controversy.

I have witnessed and participated in many debates over whether or not Nick Griffin should be allowed to appear on the show and at every single turn I have said yes. Many of you disagree, and I really don't understand or agree with you especially after hearing your reasons why.

Racism in the UK is not going to disappear. Ever. This is FACT. There maybe a Black president in the US, but the racism there is as rife as it was 10/20 years ago. Here in the UK this will not happen for a very long time. This country has a lot more racism in my eyes, but it is hidden. Classic example, the production of the BNP members list pointed out the doctors, teachers, lawyers and every day working  class person that lived on your block, street, neighbourhood. People that walk past you every day and smile in your face.

This isn't progress, this is due to political correctness meaning people are more scared to air their view for fear of being shunned. This has forced individuals to be more covert in regards to their views. In essence going backwards to when my parents first came to this country.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't make the bad man go away, metaphorically putting him and his friends in a box under your bed like kids do with the boogie man is not the solution. In order to know if these people are working around you or your children the freedom of speech which we all bang on about is the way forward. Putting conditions on that right then turns it into censorship.

As much as blatant racism is not nice (I had a horrible incident happen to me yesterday at work to prove it isn't nice) it is much worse to go ahead and sweep it under a rug or put a nice bow tie on it.

Please can we get a grip on out anger that these people are gaining more power by being more articulate in our actions. He and his party have changed their tactics from the ranting, outright racist into a more appealing and articulate individual. We need to ensure that there isn't any ammunition for these people to prove themselves right.

I am about to sit down and watch the man's appearance on the show and see what all the fuss is about.

One more thing before I go, how many of you actually voted in the last election ....?


kimptoc said...

Nice blog, especially the overhyped stuff.

I would love to hear more about your "incident", if you feel able to share it...

Anyway, keep em coming!

PS Of course I voted, those postal votes are so easy...

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