Thursday, 22 October 2009

AngelicTip: Ringtones on the iPhone using iTunes

So after being asked a fair few times about my ringtones on my iPhone at work and by friends I thought I'd post this and then I can then forward it when asked.

It isn't news, I got my information from a forum when I got my phone in June and I'm sure it has been circulating on the net since the inception of the iPhone so I won't pretend to be the Goddess of the iPhone ringtones lol.

This works if you haven't purchased the track from iTunes as the "Create Ringtone" feature on iTunes only allows purchased tracks to be edited. Boo!

Enjoy!  x

Before you start you should note down the start and finish time of the track which you want to play. You will only be able to have 30 seconds so pick the best bit!

  1. Right click on the song you are going to make into a ringer and select “Get Info.”
  2. Go to the options tab and go down to the “Start Time” and “Stop Time” check boxes. Check both boxes and input the time you want your ringer to start/stop. The ringer has to be 30 seconds or less. Click OK when you’re done.
  3. Right click on your newly “clipped” song and select “Convert Selection to AAC.” 
  4. After the song is done, locate your song, and drag it to your desktop. After the song is on your desktop go back to iTunes and delete the clipped version from the iTunes library (It won’t delete it from your desktop, it will only remove it from iTunes)
  5. Go back the song on your desktop and change the extension from .m4a to .m4r 
  6. After the extension is changed simply add it to your iTunes library by dragging it the ringtones section. Sync your phone with iTunes and you’re done!

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