Thursday, 15 October 2009

Leona Lewis assault - photo

I'd be vex if i was snapped like this ... *smh*

I'm not Leona's biggest fan her vocal talent is unquestionable, but I do find her a little dull.

That being said I don't condone her attack where a man now being questioned over the matter - smacked her in the face while at her book signing in Waterstones in Picadillly, London.

I won't mention someone's Twitter yesterday asking if we thought it Echoed (in reference to the title of her new album) What? I just did? Oops.

Jokes aside, I hope she's okay. You know her PR people will probably spin this on her favour too.

1 comment:

Dig Dash said...

She must of been PISSED! What happened to the security?!



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