Saturday, 27 June 2009

Chris Brown to perform at the BET Awards tomorrow - So?!

I have been reading various blogs and articles in regards to the changes in tomorrow's BET Awards to become a three hour show and as a tribute to Michael Jackson.

I totally agree with this. Every single artist who wins an award or performs tomorrow would have been touched and influenced by Michael's tremendous talent and this shows in their own music and performances. The complaints are in regards to the fact that Chris Brown (pictured above performing in 2006 to mark the anniversary of Thriller) will again be performing to pay tribute to his biggest influence.

Why the furore? Yes I know he has been found guilty of a crime. I have spent the past six months reading and talking about this, so the question posed is rhetorical. He pleaded guilty, he accepted responsibility for his actions, has been given punishment. How much longer does the young man need to be punished? Forever?

The likes of R Kelly, Cassidy, Suge Knight, Tupac, Lil Kim and Foxy Brown have all been convited of crimes and have been forgiven, and in some cases, there music sales have increased as a result. What's the difference? Because he hit a woman? I'm guessing this is it.

As much as I am a person who likes to see people be accountable for their actions if they have fallen foul of the Law, I do believe in forgiveness, and I'm not a religious person. And for me I am finding the most judgemental people are those that SHOULD be as they are in fact religious and attend places of worship on a weekly basis.

We will probably never know all the goings on with that relationship, Rhianna apparently wanted to withdraw the charges she filed against him, how do we know if this was because she was also violent in that altercation? Always quick to assume she was battered, does anyone have cold hard facts that this is the case, and she has never raised her hand to him either? I was brought up to be expected to be hit back if I raised my hand to a man, so have never done so. Granted, most men would never hit me, but why is it right for me to hit him and not be hit back? Double standards. Equality of sex goes BOTH ways.

Before you judge, let's remember there are two sides to this story and exercise a degree of intelligence here.

I will be making sure I get myself to somewhere who has Sky (Virgin doesn't have BET) in the future to see the whole show, and will be scanning You Tube Monday for footage and I really do wish CB to take it to the stage and kill it. This aint about Chris.

This is for Mike.

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